Repeater Widget resize depending on text length


I know you can change size of repeater based on Dynamic panel size but I want to control the width of a box (so I can work with rounded corner/shadows/etc.) based on text length of a repeater item. Right now I have to do it by math and would like to be able to control the height and width a better way.

I have read up a good amount and can’t find a quick way that works for objects instead of repeaters.


Anyone have an answer or better solution for the?


Anyone have an answer or better solution for this?

Cursor and tooltip position over repeater

Hi JStagge,

The best way to resize the width of the repeater widget depending on text length is to use math functions with the Set Size action, as you’ve been doing. Currently, there isn’t a feature where the text-holding widget in the repeater automatically auto-fits to its text. Here’s a forum post from one of our developers who goes into more detail about this:

Nonetheless, I’ve submitted a feature request with our product management team for an easier way to dynamically resize the text-holding widget in the repeater (something like dynamic auto-fit), and we’ll hopefully see an implementation of this soon!


Thank you, I had read either that same thread or a similar thread when I tried to solve this originally. Thank you for submitting a feature request, I use repeaters a lot and this would make the use of repeaters with variable text lengths 100x easier!


Useful.I have solved the problem either:).


Hello Jane, the link is dead. Could you repost how to make the repeater automatically auto-fits to its text please?


Hi OrangeAX,

Ah, it looks like that archived link mainly included a discussion surrounding autofit in general, rather than providing any specific examples. In case you’re looking for more ideas on how you might accomplish this, the following posts include some sample files that can help as you start:

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