Sharing Proto - Filesystem is invalid


I’m getting this error for my team project when i try to share it with team members. I navigate to the page in Axure Cloud and then click on the Share button. I enter their email addresses and I get “Filesystem is invalid”. Any thoughts?


Hi pixeler!

Are you able to add another email address without getting an error, or are you getting the same “Filesystem is invalid” error for all email addresses you try to invite? And is the issue specific to this workspace?

I’m thinking the problem is with the format or content of the email address you’re trying to enter that our system isn’t able to process, but I couldn’t be sure without testing this on my end. I’d completely understand if you’re not able to share the email address you are trying to invite to the team project, but if you’re able to isolate the or narrow down on which part of the email address, if any, is the one causing the issue, that’d be helpful for us to diagnose. And on that note, please feel free to email if you wanted to troubleshoot this matter through a non-public platform. :slight_smile:


Even I get the same error, is this fixed ? or any work around for now?


Support guys got back to me on this with a workaround:
For now sharing from the main workspace level instead of the Overview page worked for me.