Shortcut to access color picker/eyedropper tool?

Hey all,
I searched all over and couldn’t find anything SO…
Does Axure have a shortcut for the color picker or eyedrop tool? in Illustrator its just the ‘i’ key I believe?
Thanks for any help… this is something I really need.

No, there’s not… The best I’ve figured out is Ctrl+M (Cmd+M for Mac) to get the Format Painter dialog, then click the Fill box, then click the eyedropper icon.

Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts for Axure RP 9.

This is great feedback and thanks @mbc66 for that solution.

I can see how a shortcut key for an eye dropper tool can speed things up if you are trying to change the color of a selected widget to an existing color. It sounds like this may be your use case for something like this, is that right @lex.windle? I would be happy to submit a feature request on your behalf for our product team to look into this.

Yeah, i would certainly use it almost constantly. It seems like a must-have for any design software. Also Axure is supposed to have good UX right? :wink:

Thanks @mbc66 I looked at this before I posted on here. Found a few new shortcuts but unfortunately nothing for the eyedropper :confused:

Also dont see a place for customizing keyboard shortcuts anywhere…

Good news! This feature request has been implemented and is released alongside our beta build for Axure RP 10 ( You can update to this build via “Help > Check for Updates” and ensure that “Include beta channel builds” is checked.

With this feature, you can select the widget that you are trying to change the Fill of and press the [I] key in order to trigger the eyedropper tool.