Axure RP 10 Beta Channel (Release Candidate) Updates

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Axure RP


  • Fixed error deleting a state when Dynamic Panel is filtered out in the Outline
  • Fixed retaining mixed border visibility on shapes when importing using Figma plugin
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Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Fixed issue with interactions not working in preview when Components containing Repeaters with overrides were on the page
  • Fixed child adaptive views not showing widgets in Component views when overrides were used
  • Fixed issue with Repeater [[Item]] interactions returning undefined
  • Fixed error deleting Dynamic Panel state containing a Repeater
  • Fixed error deleting Dynamic Panel state when bottom of the panel was not visible on the canvas
  • Fixed flip animation on a Dynamic Panel state change causing the page to scroll to the top

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Fixed issue with interactions not working in locally generated HTML when using Inline Frames to target another page within the project
  • Fixed issue with Open Link interactions not working when navigating to a page within the project in locally generated HTML
  • Fixed exception opening link in frame to the current page
  • Fixed style effects not working to change font properties
  • Fixed hard crash on Macs when saving and exiting a widget library file before the widget library was updated
  • Reverted a change that enabled targeting repeater rows from within another repeater in order to improve repeater interactions

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP

Repeater Updates

  • Import multiple images at once via cell/column context menu
  • Paste multiple images/text from clipboard into multiple cells at once
  • Pasting onto a column header now pastes into the cells below
  • Added option to Paste with Column Names via the column context menu
  • Cut, copy, paste, and clear via the dataset context menu
  • Use [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [A] to easily select all cells in dataset
  • Hold [Cmd]/[Ctrl] and click to select multiple non-adjacent columns/rows
  • Sort dataset via the column’s context menu
  • Drag to move multiple adjacent columns/rows in the dataset
  • Added option to optimize images after import via dataset context menu
  • Updated UI in the Add Row dialog


  • Fixed error when assigning a submit button through the context menu
  • Fixed incorrect resizing in style effects when Fit to Text Height with line spacing was applied on a widget
  • Fixed copy and paste from one panel state to another not maintaining position in All States View
  • Fixed Dynamic Panel in Groups flickering with Window Scrolled Up/Down interactions
  • Fixed push/pull scrolling page to the top when widgets were in a Group
  • Fixed extra row being added when copying and pasting data from Excel to a Repeater dataset on Windows

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP

Connector Updates

  • Single-click a connector point to add a new connector and matching shape
  • Use [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [Opt]/[Alt] + [Shift] + [Arrow] to quickly add connector and shape to selected widget
  • Add new connector points along the edge of the starting or ending shape when drawing a connector
  • Ability to select the next shape when drawing a connector that doesn’t end on an existing shape
  • New connector point styling

More Updates

  • Updated sign in dialog when connecting to Axure Cloud for Business or OnPrem instances with SSO
  • Publishing a project with an access code will show updated public share links with the hashed access code embedded in the URL


  • Fixed error when holding [Shift] and selecting column header in Repeater dataset on Windows
  • Fixed all states of Dynamic Panel being visible in Preview when empty Repeater was on the page

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • New [I] single key shortcut to enter color picker/eyedropper mode for faster color selection on your computer’s screen
  • Hold [Shift] to maintain proportions while cropping an image
  • Pan the canvas using mouse wheel click + drag


  • Fixed error when page height field was left blank in Custom Dimensions
  • Fixed Show All/Hide All not persisting when making a multi-selection of the same widget type
  • Fixed bullets not working correctly when pressing [Enter] to insert a bullet on an existing bullet list

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Getting a team project on Windows will open the project in a new window of RP
  • Double-clicking near a widget’s border will enter text editing mode, instead of shape editing mode


  • Fixed hidden widgets unable to be set to Selected if Fit to Text was enabled on the widget
  • Fixed some keyboard shortcuts not working on the selected widget after clicking Select target on Windows
  • Fixed error when pressing [Tab] adding an ACB or OnPrem server in Manage Accounts dialog
  • Fixed accounts not saving when closing the Manage Accounts dialog
  • Fixed overrides in nested Components breaking Dynamic Panel state change interactions
  • Fixed ItemLoaded interactions not registering in the Preview Console
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Axure RP

-Select the widget associated with a note via the page’s Notes pane


  • Fixed incorrect text in Set Panel State target list after configuring the action
  • Fixed Interaction Editor not selecting an action when clicking on an action without an event

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Directly link to the current page you have open in Axure RP after publishing to Axure Cloud
  • Ability to easily view the last published time and Axure Cloud links for projects
  • Added expand/collapse all in the Pages, Components, and Interactions panes


  • Fixed [Option]/[Alt] triggering deep select in Groups
  • Fixed [Shift] + [Mouse wheel scroll] not scrolling horizontally in panes on Windows
  • Fixed expand/collapse all not working in All States View
  • Fixed SVGs without certain attributes not appearing in Preview
  • Improved text color of Repeater column names on a checked in page
  • Fixed team project upgrade not working if Team Projects folder was missing

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • New message in Publish dialog when a project’s share link has been deleted


  • Fixed eyedropper cursor not appearing after opening color picker and using [I] shortcut key
  • Fixed color picker incorrectly applying after pressing [Esc] when page or Dynamic Panel background was selected
  • Fixed panning to Dynamic Panel when its state was selected in the Outline pane
  • Fixed maintaining targets of interactions when using keyboard shortcut to drag a widget outside of a Dynamic Panel
  • Fixed pasting text into the “Add Rows” interaction
  • Fixed On-Prem instances with long server names not truncating properly in publish growl for access code projects

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Ability to search for variables when configuring a Set Variable Value action


  • Fixed error pressing [I] shortcut key with linear or radial gradients
  • Fixed error changing panel states when panel container exceeds the height of the RP editor
  • Fixed slide animation on a Dynamic Panel state change causing the page to scroll to the top
  • Fixed Resized/Move all widgets working inconsistently when working with Dynamic Panels
  • Fixed page refreshing twice in the prototype player when switching pages
  • Fixed style effects not appearing immediately in Interactions pane when pasting a style onto a widget
  • Fixed newly-added global variables reverting when switching pages in the output
  • Fixed hidden parent Group getting hidden when selecting inside a hidden child Group
  • Fixed Share Link dialog not reporting the current page if page was already checked in
  • Fixed team project not opening automatically on Mac after getting a new, local copy if there was no opened file
  • Fixed missing pages in team projects after checking in when another local copy had deleted and added a page
  • Fixed undo in the Pages or Components pane not undoing the entire action after pasting multiple items
  • Truncated long case names on smaller mobile views
  • Updated Generate Specification and CSV dialogs with full width containers for easier page selection

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


Global Variable Dialog Updates

  • Added search
  • Multi-select variables and drag to reorder
  • Added keyboard shortcuts and right-click menu to duplicate, move up/down, and delete
    Condition Builder Updates
  • Fixed tabbing between fields
  • Made dropdowns consistent

Other Updates

  • Edit Value Dialog: Clicking Add Local Variable will now set focus to the local variable name text field
  • Improved visual accessibility of the focused style for primary buttons


  • Fixed issue where mousing over shapes would show the vector point editing cursor instead of the default cursor
  • Fixed issue where using the up and down arrow keys on width/height fields did not maintain aspect rati

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Fixed creating workspace from Create Team Project dialog

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Fixed [Space] triggering selection in droplists
  • Fixed search bar position in global variable dialog at smaller window widths
  • Fixed multi-selection in global variable dialog
  • Fixed position of case picker popup when clicking on the right edge of the prototype screen
  • Fixed pasting into the Add Rows interaction dataset on Windows
  • Fixed deep select not working when using contained mode and selecting widget in a Group
  • Fixed deep select not working when selecting widget in a Dynamic Panel
  • Enhancements for deep select to show outline around the entire selected Group
  • Updated jquery library for prototype generation to version 3.7.1

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Selection Box Mode [V]: Press [V] to put you in a mode where dragging on top of a widget will create a selection rectangle instead of moving it


  • Fixed multi-selection with Deep Select keyboard shortcut [Cmd]/[Ctrl]+ [Opt]/[Alt]
  • Fixed dragging widgets into a Dynamic Panel with Deep Select keyboard shortcut
  • Fixed exception using [Cmd] + [Z] twice to undo fill selector on Mac
  • Fixed copying/pasting Raised Events on widgets inside Dynamic Panels
  • Fixed missing panel name when using Set Panel State action set to Stop Repeating
  • Fixed incorrect font color in child adaptive views if widget was inside a Component
  • Fixed Focused style effect not working correctly when the widget was inside a Repeater
  • Fixed MouseOver style effect and Move action with cursor x,y values not working when applied to a newly added row in an empty Repeater

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Publish Project dialog now shows joinable workspaces from Axure Cloud organizations


  • Fixed edit points cursor not appearing when hovering over a custom shape
  • Fixed alignment on case picker popup for widgets further down on the page
  • Fixed alignment of edit text/value dialog when resizing on Windows
  • Fixed Set Panel State interaction missing the Dynamic Panel target
  • Fixed component view condition not being met with component overrides

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • When inserting a Dynamic Panel, hold [Cmd]/[Ctrl] while drawing to nest widgets inside the panel
  • Measure the distance between a widget and its parent panel state (or page) by selecting a widget, holding down [Option]/[Alt], and moving the cursor into an empty area


  • Fixed error around Dynamic Panels when states of the panel extended past the height of the RP editor
  • Fixed error editing global variables when project had no pages
  • Fixed incorrect cursor when editing text on Mac

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Fixed non team projects appearing in the Get Team Project dialog
  • Fixed Dynamic Panels moving to an unexpected location when auto-nesting within a panel
  • Changed nesting behavior of Dynamic Panels to not deep-select by default

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Axure RP


  • Align widgets relative to their parent container


  • Fixed rendering issues in the Style and Interaction panes on Mac

Download at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates (with “Include beta channel builds” selected) in RP 10.

Axure RP


  • Easily share a link without an embedded access code


  • Potential fix for rendering issues in the Style and Interaction panes on macOS
  • Fixed filter lists not auto-adjusting to searched item on macOS
  • Fixed rendering of images with border and corner radius on macOS
  • Fixed issue where deleting a component deleted the selected widget instead on macOS
  • Fixed text color of publish error messages when switching from light/dark mode
  • Fixed disabled buttons still working in Team Project dialogs