Unable to access a component's hint text in overrides


I have a text form field which I’ve created as a component so that I can use it throughout my checkout journey. When I place it onto a page the hint text is not available in the overrides section.

Is there something I’m missing?

(Axure 10, Mac)


Hi @willjohnh, just to confirm: you created a component with a text field inside, and you’d like to set up a hint text for your text field; is that correct? If you select your text field and go to the “Interactions Pane”, and then fill in the field “hint”, the text you entered should be displayed in your component. I hope it helps!


Hey - thanks for coming back to me.

Not quite. I created a Component (aka Master) which has hint text as you decribe. It is ‘Component’ I want to reuse on different pages.

When I put the ‘Component’ on a page, in the ‘Interraction/Overrides’ section, the Hint is not available as something I can amend. How do I edit “This is my hint” for each instance of the ‘Component’?



Hi @willjohnh, thanks for getting back to us. It appears that currently, text fields placed inside of components do not have the overrides feature. I’ve submitted a feature request for you–our product team will further review it to define if these changes can be implemented in future releases.
As a workaround, if you place a label onto a text field, group them, and create a component, you should be able to apply overrides to the label, which will make an appearance of the hint text. I hope this helps!

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