AUTO-FIT widgets based on variable text length



This issue has been there for 3 years and many people have complained and discussed this on Axure forum. But unfortunately, there has been no response from Axure for three years.

What is the issue?

The two main purposes designers use repeaters are… 1) The ability to pull data from tables and populate the design patterns like lists, menus etc where we see repeated patterns, and 2) Ability to stack micro design components after another (eg: headline followed by description) in a single repeatable component.

The biggest bug Axure had and still has is how it deals with auto-sizing a widget in the browser. If you look at the attached example file Autofit_issue.rp (70.2 KB), I have laid out two common examples designers use the repeaters for. As you can see, everything looks fine on the canvas, but breaks in the browser. “Fit to content in HTML” doesn’t work for repeaters. Also, setting text on a widget dynamically doesn’t resize the widget even after setting “auto fit” in the style panel!!


Could you please look into this and let me know if this bug is in the backlog and if yes when is Axure planning to fix this? As we have paid a lot of money for the tool if Axure still calls it a “lack of feature”, this is not acceptable anymore as it has been 3 years since we raised this bug on multiple threads.

As a temporary solution, please let us know how to resolve this problem. If you look at the file, I have already tried some work-arounds (setting rich text, adding ‘wait’ and then moving the widgets below for stacking, manually setting height etc) but doesn’t really serve every requirement. I wonder if Axure is actually listening to users and building the product based on designers requirements.

References to some old posts:

closed #2

unlisted #3


Hi Praveen,

Thanks for the post. We’ve followed up with you about your autofit and repeater feedback via email in a response to the email you sent our way earlier to Hopefully that reached your inbox, as it should address each of your questions about autofit, repeaters, and the status of your forum post. Thank you!