Check out our Axure Sketch plugin for bringing Sketch assets into Axure RP

Hi everyone,

We’ve built a Sketch plugin for bringing Sketch assets into Axure RP. It’s definitely still in beta, but even in its current form offers a more efficient Sketch-to-Axure workflow than exporting from Sketch to SVG and then importing from there. If this sounds like your kind of thing, click the link below to download the plugin and get started:

Download Sketch-to-Axure plugin 0.9.6 (Ed note: updated 2/8/2019 to work with Sketch 53.)

Note: You will need build 3368 (or higher) of Axure RP to use this plugin. Click here to download and update to the latest build of Axure RP.

Here’s an animation showing the plugin in action:

Why did we build this? We’ve been using Sketch in the office, and wanted to experiment with their API to see what would be possible for streamlining the workflow. We wanted something more efficient and also more accurate, and this plugin accomplishes both of those goals (though accuracy still isn’t perfect).

We’ve also collected various requests over the past few months for a Sketch plugin—but I want to make clear before y’all dive in, just to manage expectations here, that this plugin in its current form will not satisfy all of those requests. Basically what you see in the above animation is what you get: you can copy a selection (or all artboards) out of the Sketch UI and then paste it into Axure RP as individual widgets. (Once you’ve installed the plugin, use the “Plugins > Axure RP” menu in Sketch to access these options.) This plugin does not currently allow for round-tripping, syncing, cross-app library support, etc. We’re not yet sure what features we’ll take on, but we’re continuing to evaluate.

If you’re a fan of both Sketch and Axure and you’ve been looking for a more streamlined workflow, we hope you’ll find this plugin useful! Please share your thoughts.

(The Sketch file featured in my animation is Alexandru Rosianu’s SRM Timer.)


Thank you so much for making this plugin! This will be a game changer for Axure.

I am sorry to say, Axure RP 8 user interface has the ability to be a great visual design tool but the experience to create high fidelity comps right now in Axure is like a ice pike to the brain. After 5 years working in UX design/visual design. Sketch and photoshop top Axure. But Axure is a great tool for prototyping and working with teams…



cool !Cool, it’s easy to make a control library


Not sure what the problem is, but the recent Sketch update may have cause this plugin to no longer work. When trying to paste into Axure, I get a Report Error popup standing that “Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.”

Any idea on what I can do to get this plugin to work? We’re currently in the middle of prototyping and could really use this plug-in.

Btw, this is a great plugin, thank you for changing the game once again.

EDIT: This looks to be working again! Thank you sooooo much-- you guys are the best.


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Thanks a lot for making this amazing plugin! It’s quite helpful in my daily work!

In recent uses, I find that it isn’t able to paste the artboards with TEXTS of which alignment option was set as AUTO. The only solution to this issue is changing the text alignment option into FIXED in sketch. Hope that the issue would be fixed in the next update. Changing every text into fixed alignment one by one is a little bit tedious. hhhh

BTW, like this plugin soooooo much!

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Awesome. Just in time when we needed it. Love you guys. This is so good, you should charge money for it.

I was of the thought that Axure would be updating itself to get the functionalities required to do a Visual Design (efficiently and effectively).

And the direction that i see here is integrating with Sketch ?
What about Windows users, would you be also thinking for XD integration ?

Axure serves a purpose very very well: Highly Interactive Prototyping.
At the same time, visual design can also be done in the same. Why not make the visual design capabilities better in Axure ?
My thoughts.


This error is thrown for multiple reasons. But most of the time it is due to empty groups in sketch. Make sure you don’t have empty groups/folders in your sketch file. If your file is too big, you can use a sketch plugin “Clean useless groups” to remove all those folders, and then use Axure plugin.


Wow! Just installed this after finding it by chance. This has probably just saved me 4 hours work on one project alone.


This is fabulous! Lifesaver for someone who uses Sketch and misses the quick and awesome prototyping abilities of Axure


Hi, plug-in is not working again with the latest update with Sketch. = (

Are you able to resolve this issue? Thanks!


Ahh nevermind. Turns out that this plugin doesn’t work when you have a lot of masked images in Sketch art-board.

Hi vTruong!

Are you getting an error when trying to bring over your Sketch masked assets? Or are you seeing that the masks are lost when imported into Axure RP? If possible, could you post your Sketch file here for me to test? I can then reach out to our QA team to see if this is expected or otherwise. If the Sketch file contains proprietary information, please feel free to send that over to Ty!

What about a nice Adobe XD plugin?
pretty pleaseee!!


This is looks like it could be the dogs bollox saving me time creating a widget library of sketch UI components

Love this, thank you guys.
What about a nice Adobe XD plugin?
It would be awesome too.


Thanks guys, great work! Will be very helpful!

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Wow, this looks great. Thank you so much for thinking of the users that also do their Design work in Sketch.

Consider hosting your plugin through GitHub so it can be picked up by applications like SketchRunner.

Some plugins do not appear in install.
We are working on making it possible to install all your favorite plugins. Please, let us know which ones are missing!

It’s great for plugin management and updates.