Check out our Axure Sketch plugin for bringing Sketch assets into Axure RP

Hi there! Iit s not working for me.
I m a bit new to this.
I have downloaded the Sketch to Axure plugin and in it it has Sketch as well as some other files. M i supposed to do sth with those files? Put them in some library of something?


Hi! Once you’ve downloaded the .zip file for the Sketch plugin, you’ll want to unzip it so that you can see the Sketch plugin. You’ll then want to open up Sketch, go to “Plugins > Manage Plugins”, and drag the Sketch plugin that you just downloaded into that dialog. That should allow it to get installed so that you can access it via "Plugins > Axure RP’. Hopefully that helps!

Thanks for the great work on this plugin. It’s a great help for our prototyping process.

One thing though:
When pasting symbols from Sketch to Axure they’re getting an extra drop shadow. E.g. if I use your example file (Alexandru Rosianu’s SRM Timer) and try to copy the wifi symbol from the status bar. I’ve tried multiple symbol libraries and it happend to all.

I’m using Axure and Sketch 50.2

What does the build 3368 translate to in normal English. I can see my Axure version is - is the 3355 build number ?

How do I install the plugin


Exactly. You’ll need to update your version of Axure.

Download the plugin and unzip it. Then double-click the file “AxureRP 2.sketchplugin”. The plugin will install itself and Sketch will open.

Hey There,

I just downloaded the plugin and I am getting a Report Error of “Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.”

Tried using Clean Useless Groups as suggested by someone above but still doesn’t work for me.

I am using Sketch v50.2 (55047) and Axure

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Hi Brenda!

Hmm, it sounds like you’re getting this error with the latest version of Sketch when copying and pasting from your Sketch file using the plugin. To confirm, you’re using the 0.9.1 version of the Sketch plugin, correct? If you’re already on the latest version of the plugin, then can you confirm whether the error occurs while copying any/all elements from your Sketch file into RP, and if it happens with other files as well (e.g. a new test file)? Do you get the same error if you right-click an element in Sketch and choose “Copy SVG code” to paste into Axure RP as an SVG, and then from there right-click the SVG to and choose “Convert SVG to Shapes”? That’ll help both to determine if there’s an issue with specific shapes, and whether it’s specific to the plugin.

If possible, could you send over a copy of the affected Sketch file so that we can take a look at what’s triggering the errors? If you can’t attach it here then you can send it to and reference this forum thread in the email. Thank you!


I was having the same problem with ‘target of an invocation’ error. I resolved it by cleaning up the structure in the ‘problem’ file. I removed empty folders that were nested 3+ deep, and broke away one instance of a symbol.

However, the Sketch file that I’m using for pulling designs into Axure is large. So rather than stay within that and risk corrupting the visual design source of truth, I copied smaller design elements into a new Sketch file.

An issue that I had on the Axure side with this workflow was overloading a project with too much Sketch-pasted content. This created noticeable performance issues - particuarly in one page with a repeater. So, I’ve started exporting static sections of Sketch layouts as images into Axure instead. Pre-defined components with states (from libraries), are overlaid on those static images e.g. buttons and dropdowns.

Another mention in this thread of the possible problem of empty folders in Sketch:

As a postscript on error jargon:

Does the error message ‘Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.’ mean somethiing like ‘something that doesn’t exist can’t be created’ - in this case the programmatic expectation of content in a folder?


Hmm, it sounds like you were able to work around the error by removing empty folders and a symbol from your file. The error with empty groups in Sketch files should be fixed on the latest build of the Sketch plugin (0.9.1 as of now). If you’re on that build and were getting an error with one of the symbols in your project, then we’d be interested in taking a look at a copy of the Sketch file that has that symbol if you’re willing to email it to Thanks!

This is a very old discussion in the Axure world, and it (at least used to) polarise people. I myself take the view that Axure should NOT be a hi-fi design tool like Sketch. This is because that would not only put Axure in competition with such a tool, but is in fact not helpful for the task of demonstrating interactive UX. When it comes to visual design in the activity of prototyping, it is enough to approximate, not design in the visual sense.

It’s a sort of philosophical thing though, I admit.


I agree… lets not make it go towards “visual design”. But should we not be able to make existing tasks more efficient ? Like do things that we are able to do with Symbols in Masters ? Why should simpler interactions like open x link take more clicks when compared to a competitor ?
There are n number of such small pain points, but we all have founds some workarounds… :slight_smile:

Also, I read the news for RP9 and I am MORE than happy with the approach that i see mentioned here…

Hi - the plugin doesn’t seem working with latest Sketch version (50.2). I tried to install but it wasn’t responding, please help! :frowning:

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Hi everyone,

I’m sad. When I first heard about this plugin I was thrilled to try it because it sounded like something to manage bigger and more complex projects instead of exporting elements from Sketch, importing to Axure and rebuilding screens mixing elements with native axure fields and buttons (and when you update a some screens you go crazy). Projects on big scale (500+ screen / OS) are a huge pain in linear prototype editors so yeah, I thought we are over that but apparently not.

Projects that are big and complex usually involve a lot of symbols in Sketch many of which are using color masks or external libraries and it that case I never managed to import anything only the most simple screens or elements.

The problem is definately not with empty groups. For me the problem seems to be when complexity arises. I think this is a really good start but at the moment if you are working on something bigger it is probably not going to work for you… But please try it by all means and tell me what I’m doing wrong! :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to start using it

Hi Adamy and atsoms,

What build of Axure RP are you using? Since the Axure Sketch plugin will only work on build 3368 and above, making sure that you’re on the latest build of RP (currently may help with the issues you’re seeing. You can download the installer for that on our update page here:

And atsoms, if you’re still running into an issue with the plugin after updating Axure RP, would you be able to attach the Sketch file you’re working with and describe what’s happening when you try to import in a little more detail? If you’re not comfortable with posting your file here, feel free to send it over to us in an email to Thank you!

Yes Simon, I am using the latest build of Axure RP 8 and Sketch latest build 50.2.

I couldn’t install the plugin - I downloaded the AxureRP.sketchplugin from here and installing it, the Sketch app was launched but after that nothing happens.

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HI Adamy,

Thanks for following up. Hmm, that does sound like unexpected behavior; we’re seeing that the latest version of the plugin should be working with the latest version of Sketch (v50.2). Could you describe what you’re seeing on your end when launching the plugin installation file, such as if you’re seeing any error messages? Also, which operating system version is your computer currently running? Any additional information or a screenshot or video capturing this may be very helpful as well.

I see mention earlier in this thread of a “AxureRP 2.sketchplugin”…i cant seem to find it, and the 1 i downloaded does not work. Doesn’t even show up in sketch plugin manager when i drag it in. Using Sketch 50.2, just downloaded the latest build for Axure.

I love this I wish it could retain the letter spacing settings from Sketch

Yep it quit working for me too. :disappointed:

Hi rob002 and KavaKiwi (and anyone else who may be running into similar problems),

We haven’t yet been able to reproduce these issues with the plugin, so we were hoping to gather some more information. Could you tell us which version of macOS you’re currently running, and can you also clarify how the plugin isn’t working in a little more detail? Are you unable to uninstall the plugin at all, or are you seeing that you’re no longer able to use the plugin (even though it’s been installed and you were able to use it previously)?

If the plugin isn’t working as expected, is it not copying on the Sketch side or is it not successfully pasting into Axure RP? If you can also provide a video of an attempt to install the plugin or of how it isn’t working, please post that or send it over to us at

Just a quick note about the “AxureRP 2.sketchplugin” file rob002 mentioned: this is likely the result of Mac automatically adding additional numbers after file names when copies of the file have been previously downloaded before. The latest version of the Sketch plugin can still be downloaded via the download link provided in the original post.

Thanks for your patience–we’ll be standing by!