Check out our Axure Sketch plugin for bringing Sketch assets into Axure RP

Hi Simon,

I upgraded to the latest version of Axure .3377 and the problem seems to have resolved itself.

Hi KavaKiwi,

Thanks for following up, and glad to hear it!

If anyone else happens to be running into any similar issues with the Sketch plugin, updating Axure RP to the latest build,, may help resolve the issue.

Hi Simon

I have Axure build 3377 and Sketch 50.2 and still cant get the plugin to work.


  • Downloaded plugin
  • Double clicked AxureRP.sketchplugin
  • Nothing happens

It doesn’t appear in my Sketch plugins menu or plugin manager.

Hi rob002,

Thanks for that info. Would you be able to tell us what version of macOS your computer is running? Also, have you been able to successfully install and work with the Axure Sketch plugin before?

Any other information you can provide in addition to this may help with our investigation. If you can send these details over to us at, we’ll be able to troubleshoot this issue more closely there as well!

I am using sketch on my Mac and the Axure on Windows,
I can’t use the clipboard option you give here…
Is there a way I can save the “clipboarded” data somehow that I will be able to open it in Axure that is on another PC?

Hi Simon

Im using High Sierra 10.13.5. Never used the Axure Sketch plugin before.

Hi @RazTabou,

There isn’t a way to transfer the elements copied via the Axure plugin over to another computer, so the best approach would be to install Axure RP on your Mac. An Axure RP license can be used by the named user on both Windows and Mac operating systems, so you should be able to use your current license to activate RP on your Mac without any issue.

@rob002, if you’re still running into an issue with using the plugin, can you please shoot us an email at with the details you’ve provided here? We’ll be able to troubleshoot further via that channel. Thank you!

3 missing features to the plugin:

  1. The plugin can not properly convert icons with mask (I think it is because axure doesn’t support mask for vector image)
  2. The plugin can not copy over the blend mode from Sketch to Axure (like overlay, multiply, screen …)
  3. When the paragraph text in the sketch symbol, the plugin may not be able to copy over all styles like line spacing or paragraph spacing

1 performance issue for the Axure RP Sketch Plugin:

  • To copy a selection with a lot of layers, it will take much longer to copy in Sketch also paste in Axure

Hi yuchen,

Thanks very much for the feedback! I’ve filed everything you mentioned with our respective teams for review.

Just downloaded it, it works flawlessly for my needs (quick export of simple assets) I did a copy/paste before, but somehow Axure stopped importing transparences (or sketch stopped getting transparence infos at copy ), so this is great. I’ll share withe the rest of the team.


Hi everyone,

I would like to import a sketch file directly in Axure.
Does anybody know if it’s possible?

The issue is the following:

  • I work with a colleague which use Sketch for his artboard
  • We would like to animate it with Axure
  • So he send me his Sketch file and I would like to import it directly in Axure

I have Axure on my laptop, he has Sketch on his Mac.

Is this feature possible? Planned?
It would be really useful when working in a team with various distinct design tools

Thanks a lot,


Hi PierreJ,

There isn’t currently a way to import a Sketch file directly to Axure RP, but I’ll be happy to file this as a feature request to our designated teams on your behalf. Currently, this Sketch to Axure plugin is the closest to integrating files between the two tools, but this does require that you have both Sketch and Axure RP installed on your computer.

The best solution I’m able to think of right now is for your colleague to export his Sketch artboards to SVGs, and then send you those SVG files, since Axure RP allows for direct import of SVGs. After importing the SVGs into Axure RP, you can right-click on the SVG and select “Convert SVG to Shapes”:

This will allow you to work with the Sketch assets as editable shapes in Axure RP, similar to the plugin, but unfortunately, not as streamlined.

Hopefully this helps a bit!

That’s incorrect. Alyssa mentioned this problem in this post:

I get a Report Error popup, if I copy any symbols/chart/icon from Sketch.

sketch-illustrator-SVG Code Sketch.rp (92.0 KB)

Hi bermanatalie!

Could you first make sure you’re running the latest version of Sketch (51.3), the latest version of the plugin (0.9.3), and the latest version of Axure RP 8 (3379)?

If that checks out, please email the Sketch file over to so that we could take a closer look, as well as submitting the error from the Report Error dialog. Thanks!

Hi Jane,
Yes, I am running the latest versions. I just submitted my files to support.

Just discovered… I always copy group of objects via plugins.

But today I tried to copy an artboard.

So the “paste” was much better quality. Even it was some shift of objects, but still it was good. So I deleted extras in Axure.

It strikes me that Axure is just as good for planning and early product design process mapping and wireframing as it is for advanced prototyping.

Which makes me wonder; why not make the Sketch plugin export Masters and Pages into Artboards into Sketch? I suspect the answer is that’s complex. I like the idea I can finesse a UI design in Sketch whilst maintaining the structure and prototype in Axure.

That would be nice but I would think that would have to be a Sketch building that.

Hi, we’re having the same issue with images. In the Sketch file both masked images and image-fills are importing into Axure without the masks or bounding boxes in place. You can imagine that on a page with a image grid this looks terrible and is unusable.