How to create a user story in Axure?

Hey there!

I have a task for the class to make the quiz for students and I should prepare the a user story list for a simple application. This list shoild be well organised into epics. Can someone explain how to do it? Thanks!

I’d love to help but I do not understand what it is you are asking for, could you rephrase the question, possibly including an example?

Hey @Essence, thanks for writing in! While we currently do not have ready-to-use flows in Axure for epics and user stories, there are some things that can help you:

First, you can use sticky notes widgets from our Default library to display the user stories. Also, depending on what format you need, you can use widgets from our default “Flow” library to create a flow chart or even the tree widget from our “Default library” to show the required structure.

Second, if you need to show your research process, you can check our prototyping template files " UX Prototyping" and “Quick Win”. To find them, go to the main menu and select “Help>Welcome Screen”:

Additionally, I’ve found some related posts from the Axure forum that can help you achieve your goals:

How to calculate the outcome of a quiz,

Quiz score using global variables,

Quiz prototype.

I hope it helps! :slight_smile:

I can send u full text of the task, I do not know how to create a page only for a teacher to see the results and prepare a user story list. Thanks!
The application should be a system for testing student’s knowledge.

● Coming to the website, students should be able to select a test to pass

● Having selected the test, the student should see a list of questions with answer options

● Questions have either answer options or a field for answer input

● There should be two types of answer options:checkbox (more than one answer can be selected) and select (only one answer can be selected)

● When all questions are answered, the result is shown to the student
● Teacher should be able to see results of tests students pass
● Administrator should be able to add and edit tests

Also you need to prepare a user story list for a simple application. This list should be
well organized into epics.