Missed Features from V8 and some improvements


The “shortcut” (not a key) is already there, the icon in the upper left corner of the Ruler…
But it’s annoying if you have to click this mini icon every time you get into the negative area while scrolling. Unfortunately this happens quite often, because the hurdle is very small. And the negative area is rarely used, so it would be good if you could switch it off and on.


+++ for that. New interaction panel is realy huge. If there are a lot of interactions it becomes hard to navigate, edit, delete etc etc.


I appreciate that Ax is trying to clean up the design and create a more readable experience for interactions. But honestly this new design for actions falls far short of the existing approach. This vertical approach is just a lot more complicated to use and interact with. :unamused:


I have been working more intensively with the new Interaction Panel today and I have to admit that once you get used to it, you can usually work faster than before.
Only - as I said - I would like a more compact interface.


Ok I’ll take your word for it and give it the benefit of the doubt and see if I find it better by diving deeper into it.


Oh dear, what I’ve written… :grin:


What I really miss here are scrollbars…

Scrollbars on canvas are disabled by default, although you can enable them in Preferences. Tab Canvas and uncheck Hide Canvas Scrollbars.

BR Karel


[quote]Scrollbars on canvas are disabled by default, although you can enable them in Preferences. Tab Canvas and uncheck Hide Canvas Scrollbars.[/quote]Thanks for the hint. On Windows they look like Mac scrollbars though which looks totally weired in a Windows environment. The default is also more than questionable.


THANK YOU. So this is the replacement for Format Painter… I was missing the format painter a LOT.


There’s no other way to say it:
Many changes in the new UI are great (Overall Design, Dynamic Panels, favorite Colors, images folder etc…) but some are completely incomprehensible and mean a deterioration of usability.

There has been a lot of scolding about the Interaction Panel, I don’t want to repeat that now (others do that :slight_smile: ) I’m sure that the Axure team is already discussing possible changes.
Other adjustments can be discussed, for example the placement of the interaction styles or a dark mode.

But what I don’t understand, for example, is why the Color Picker was reduced so much in the number of colors. How practical it was to quickly select something suitable from the multitude of gray tones. Now I have to open the color palette and find something suitable. And you use the Color Picker all the time.
Or that some select boxes - for example for line spacing - are no longer available.
Or that you are constantly scrolling into the negative area and losing focus, which is annoying and makes working more difficult.

Of course I hope that one or the other will be corrected in the final version.


Hi fishmi222,

Thanks for all the feedback about the Axure RP 9 Beta! I’ve shared this post with our designated teams for review.

I did want to mention a couple of things, though:

  • From your experience with the 9 color picker, what may help is to add your commonly-used colors to the “Favorites” section. Here’s a screenshot to demonstrate this:

Does that help a bit?

  • Could you let me know which select boxes you were able to edit for line spacing in Axure RP 8 that you aren’t able to in the 9 Beta?

  • I’ve filed a request on your behalf to disable negative regions, but what may help in the meantime is to click on the coordinates indicator at the top-left corner of the rulers, or to use the [Cmd]/[Ctrl] + [9] hotkey to go back to (0,0).


I really do love this Favorites section since we have a defined color palette that we’re required to use. This is hugely helpful.


I also really need the gray color pickers. I don’t use Axure for visual design purpose, so I always use grayscale to differentiate the importance of an object and title.

And there is one more big missing feature. Sketchiness settings were on every page and project property at Axure 8, but it’s gone at Axure 9. Is it gone forever? Axure was a very unique tool which can switch between low-level sketch to high-level wireframe.


Thank you so much for the feedback.

As I’ve already written, I also like the favorites for the colors and I’m already using them intensively. That’s definitely helpful.
But it can only partially replace the previous palette. The old palette was simply extremely practical. But if that’s no longer possible, I’ll use the old palette to build my favorites as a workaround.

And please excuse me for the criticism of the selectboxes. It’s actually just the line spacing that’s missing in Axure 9. As already written in another topic, I would also like to see these select boxes for other selection fields. It simply goes much faster: With Axure I rarely use the keyboard and every function I can use with the mouse is helpful. Is then also rather a feature request for the future and for the beta not relevant at first.

The GoBack function is certainly helpful, but it doesn’t solve the problem, it’s just a tool to get back to the original state (and one more unnecessary click, the icon for this function isn’t really huge and I don’t use keyboard shortcuts, see above).
The problem is that you often scroll while working and because the hurdle to scroll into the negative area is extremely low, you get into these areas again and again and lose the focus on the content quickly. At the end of the page, this hardly ever happens.
Maybe this is an individual problem of mine.
Nevertheless, it would be great if you could turn it off. You don’t need the negative area that often.

Thanks for your patience, many points are repeated several times in other topics. It makes itself also nobody the trouble times to look whether that was not perhaps already called.


Completely agree! What would be awesome is if it only enabled if content was in the negative space. That way you automatically scroll to the top easily most of the time and be able to scroll up farther only when you need to.

Or, perhaps makes this an option for negative space : dynamically show, always hide, or always show. Goes in line with the goal of making the workspace more customizable.


Some other interactions that are small, but were very useful:

  • being able to automatically type into a box without having to double click it to enter text mode
  • the shape type selector


Hi jpumpr!

To automatically type into a widget in the 9 beta, please see this post:

That is, you could either press [enter] to begin typing, or go to “Axure RP 9 Beta > Preferences > Canvas” to disable single-key shortcuts.

As for changing the shape of a widget, you can right-click on the shape to select “Select Shape”:


I agree. The UI is much worse for writing interactive components and true prototyping. Lots of more clicking to get what I need. Lots more scrolling.

closed #28


Hi everyone,

Thank you very much for all of the feedback since the release of the beta and now! Per our new forum policy we’re redirecting all feedback and feature requests over our support email at support@axure.com to clear up the forums for Q&A posts, as well as to help ensure that we receive and process all incoming feedback and requests and get them filed with the appropriate team. Since the beta’s release, some changes that help to address a few of the presented concerns in this thread have been released; the original interactions pane was given a condensed view, and upon further feedback was replaced with the new interaction editor (similar to version 8’s case editor), which gives more flexibility, visibility, and space for those looking to build more complex interactions. Hopefully those changes help, but we’re happy to receive your continued feedback and requests via email at support@axure.com. Thank you! :slight_smile: